Extrusion equipment for the production of polymer, composite, multilayer, polypropylene, polyethylene pipes and fittings for water, heating, gas; reinforced thermoplastic pipes for the oil and gas industry. Turnkey plastic and composite pipe factory. Équipement d'extrusion pour la production de tuyaux et raccords en polymère, composite, multicouche, polypropylène, polyéthylène pour l'eau, le chauffage, le gaz; tubes thermoplastiques renforcés pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Usine de tuyaux en plastique et composite clé en main. Equipamento de extrusão para a produção de tubos de polímeros, compósitos, multicamadas, polipropileno, polietileno e acessórios para água, aquecimento, gás; tubos termoplásticos reforçados para a indústria de petróleo e gás. Fábrica de tubos plásticos e compostos chave na mão. Экструзионное оборудование для производства полимерных, композитных, металлопластиковых, полипропиленовых, полиэтиленовых труб для воды, отопления, газа; сверхпрочных композитных труб для нефтегазовой отрасли. Завод пластиковых и композитных труб под-ключ. Extrusionsanlagen zur Herstellung von Polymer-, Verbund-, Mehrschicht-, Polypropylen-, Polyethylenrohren und Formstücken für Wasser, Heizung, Gas; verstärkte thermoplastische Rohre für die Öl- und Gasindustrie. Schlüsselfertige Fabrik für Kunststoff- und Verbundrohre. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

Composite and hybrid extrusion technologies for the production of polymer pipes. Portuguese equipment for the production of single and multi-layer composite pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene (PE-RT / Al, PEX / EVOH, PE-RT, PE-X, PP-R, HDPE, PE, PA, PPS) for the construction industry, housing utilities (housing and communal services), greenhouse complexes, oil and gas industry. Turnkey plants of polymer, composite, hybrid pipes. Technologies d'extrusion composite et hybride pour la production de tuyaux en polymère. Équipement portugais pour la production de tubes composites monocouches et multicouches en polyéthylène et polypropylène (PE-RT / Al, PEX / EVOH, PE-RT, PE-X, PP-R, HDPE, PE, PA, PPS) pour l'industrie de la construction, les services de logement (logements et services communaux), les complexes de serres, l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Installations clé en main de tubes polymères, composites et hybrides Verbund- und Hybrid-Extrusionstechnologien zur Herstellung von Polymerrohren. Portugiesische Anlagen zur Herstellung von ein- und mehrschichtigen Verbundrohren aus Polyethylen und Polypropylen (PE-RT / Al, PEX / EVOH, PE-RT, PE-X, PP-R, HDPE, PE, PA, PPS) für Bauwirtschaft, Wohnungswirtschaft (Wohnungswirtschaft und kommunale Dienstleistungen), Gewächshauskomplexe, Öl- und Gasindustrie. Schlüsselfertige Anlagen aus Polymer-, Verbund- und Hybridrohren. Tecnologias de extrusão de compósitos e híbridos para a produção de tubos de polímeros. Equipamento português para a produção de tubos compostos de camada única e multicamada de polietileno e polipropileno (PE-RT / Al, PEX / EVOH, PE-RT, PE-X, PP-R, PEAD, PE, PA, PPS) para indústria da construção, utilidades habitacionais (serviços habitacionais e comunitários), complexos de efeito estufa, indústria de petróleo e gás. Instalações chave na mão de tubos compostos de polímero, híbridos Композитные и гибридные экструзионные технологии производства полимерных труб. Португальское оборудование для производства однослойных и многослойных композитных труб из полиэтилена и полипропилена (PE-RT/Al, PEX/EVOH, PE-RT, PE-X, PP-R, HDPE, PE, PA, PPS) для строительной отрасли, жилищно-коммунального хозяйства (ЖКХ), тепличных комплексов, нефтегазовой отрасли. Заводы полимерных, композитных, гибридных труб под-ключ.  Fartrouven R&D. Portugal


Specialists of various areas of science unite their efforts, and as a result, bright and unusual discoveries appear


Multilayer composite and hybrid materials are the most dynamically developing segment of science and technology.

In this area, at the junction of various sciences, bright, unusual discoveries, interesting inventions appear.

The experience of creating extrusion equipment and research in the field of plasma formed the basis of new technologies, equipment and a new generation of composite pipes.

By combining composite technologies with high-energy surface modification technologies, we have created:

New technologies for the production of multilayer composite pipes MLSC for the construction industry and housing and communal services;

And new properties for flexible high-pressure thermoplastic composite pipe TCP for the oil and gas industry, and hydrogen energy.

Pipes of the 2023 generation. Flexible oilfield composite pipes reinforced with UD tape. Solutions for composite pipes with a gas barrier. Metal-polymer composite pipes with high resistance to delamination for water supply, heating, gas supply systems. Fartrouven R&D, Portugal


Plasma technologies for increasing the interlayer adhesion of composite, hybrid materials, products, polymer pipes.  Technologies plasma pour augmenter l'adhérence intercouche des matériaux composites, hybrides, produits, tuyaux en polymère. Tecnologias de plasma para aumentar a adesão entre camadas de materiais compostos híbridos, produtos e tubos de polímero. Plasmatechnologien zur Erhöhung der Zwischenschichthaftung von Verbundwerkstoffen, Hybridwerkstoffen, Produkten, Polymerrohren. Плазменные технологии увеличения межслойной адгезии композитных, гибридных материалов, изделий, полимерных труб. Fartrouven R&D. Португалия.  Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

Treatment by ion beams and plasma are modern methods of active action on the surface. 

The surface properties can also be modified by thin film deposition.


A key element of modern composite technologies is the surface. Its structure, energy and topology determine the properties of the product (corrosion resistance, hardness, chemical activity) or, for example, the quality of the junction, if it is carried out on this surface.

It is for this reason that we pay special attention to the activation and modification of the surface. The ability to manage the properties of surfaces is the key to successfully solving most technological problems. 

It is the ability to control the properties of the surfaces of multilayer pipes that allowed us to reach a new technological level.

By modifying the surface of the metal layer in a multilayer pipe, we increased its resistance to delamination, internal pressure, water hammer, extended its service life and made it weldable for inexpensive polymer fittings.

By acting on the surface of aramid fibers (Kevlar, Nomex, Kermel), fiberglass, carbon fiber, fibers from ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW PE, HM PE), we have obtained a flexible, durable polymer matrix in composite pipes for the oil and gas industry and hydrogen energy.

We develop wide range of technologies for tailoring of surface properties:

  • Formation of nano and micro relief in a spark and glow discharge plasma
  • Ion implantation and ion-diffusion saturation of the surface with doping elements
  • High-performance ion-plasma coating methods

The development of modern technologies is a science-intensive task which requires the efforts and knowledge of highly qualified specialists. We have combined a team of engineers and scientists from various countries to solve these problems, able to offer our customers new technologies, high-tech equipment and new technical solutions.

The Fartrouven R&D team is happy to help you with your industrial projects.



Fartrouven R&D: High-tech equipment, production lines for the production of single-layer and multi-layer polymer pipes and fittings: plastic, composite, hybrid, metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene pipes. Turnkey plastic pipe factories from Portugal - for the construction industry. Technological lines for the production of: Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes (RTP), high-pressure Thermoplastic composite pipes (TCP), ultra-strong Hybrid Flexible Pipe (HFP), ultra-strong composite pipes with distributed barrier properties (TCP-DGB), UD fiber-reinforced tapes - for the oil and gas industry and hydrogen energy Plant of flexible fully bonded Thermoplastic Composite Pipes for the Oil & Gas industry. Factory for the production of multilayer pipes resistant to delamination and modular fittings for their connection for utilities. Turnkey. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal New magnetron with non-equipotential cathode. This is a new type of magnetron - a magnetron with a nonequipotential cathode (NEC-magnetron) provides spraying with a record high output. Fartrouven R&D, Portugal
High-tech equipment for the production of polymer, multilayer and composite pipes and fittings for the oil and gas industry and public utilities. More details ... Turnkey business. Plant of fully bonded Thermoplastic Composite Pipes for the Oil & Gas industry. Factory for the production of multilayer pipes and fittings for utilities.  More details ... New magnetron with non-equipotential cathode. This is a new type of magnetron - a magnetron with a nonequipotential cathode (NEC-magnetron) provides spraying with a record high output. More details ...



Rua Campo de Futebol, 308 Ruivaqueira 2425-480 Souto da Carpalhosa, Portugal


Portugal +351 244 130 855
CIS countries +7 985 087 40 86

e-mail: geral@fartrouven.pt