Extrusion equipment for the production of polymer, composite, multilayer, polypropylene, polyethylene pipes and fittings for water, heating, gas; reinforced thermoplastic pipes for the oil and gas industry. Turnkey plastic and composite pipe factory. Équipement d'extrusion pour la production de tuyaux et raccords en polymère, composite, multicouche, polypropylène, polyéthylène pour l'eau, le chauffage, le gaz; tubes thermoplastiques renforcés pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Usine de tuyaux en plastique et composite clé en main. Equipamento de extrusão para a produção de tubos de polímeros, compósitos, multicamadas, polipropileno, polietileno e acessórios para água, aquecimento, gás; tubos termoplásticos reforçados para a indústria de petróleo e gás. Fábrica de tubos plásticos e compostos chave na mão. Экструзионное оборудование для производства полимерных, композитных, металлопластиковых, полипропиленовых, полиэтиленовых труб для воды, отопления, газа; сверхпрочных композитных труб для нефтегазовой отрасли. Завод пластиковых и композитных труб под-ключ. Extrusionsanlagen zur Herstellung von Polymer-, Verbund-, Mehrschicht-, Polypropylen-, Polyethylenrohren und Formstücken für Wasser, Heizung, Gas; verstärkte thermoplastische Rohre für die Öl- und Gasindustrie. Schlüsselfertige Fabrik für Kunststoff- und Verbundrohre. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

New magnetron with non-equipotential cathode. High performance magnetron for sputtering systems. Thin Film Coating Technologies. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal


High performance magnetron for sputtering systems

Surface control technologies in composites. Plasma technologies. Fartrouven R&D, Portugal


The surface is a key element of modern composite technologies. Its structure, energy and topology determine the properties of the product (corrosion resistance, hardness, chemical activity) or, for example, the quality of the joint if it is carried out on this surface.

It is for this reason that we pay special attention to surface activation and modification. The ability to control the properties of surfaces is the key to the successful solution of most technological problems.

Processing by ion beams and plasma - modern methods of active impact on the surface

Surface properties can also be modified by thin film deposition.

We develop all technologies for controlling surface properties:

1. Formation of nano- and microrelief in the plasma of spark and glow discharges;

2. Ion implantation and ion-diffusion saturation of the surface with alloying elements;

3. Highly efficient ion-plasma coating methods.


NEC-Magnetron FNEC-1610.  Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

NEC-Magnetron FNEC-1610

At present, we have completed testing of the FNEC-1610 magnetron.

This is a new type of magnetron - magnetron with non-equipotential cathode (NEC-magnetron) provides deposition with a record high performance.

The NEC Magnetron has the unique ability to directly control the local production and stoichiometry of multi-component coatings directly during the coating process.

Diagram of a magnetron with a segmented cathode and specific current-voltage characteristics for two operating modes: with an equipotential cathode (blue line) and a non-equipotential cathode (red lines). Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

Fig 1. Diagram of a magnetron with a segmented cathode and specific current-voltage characteristics for two operating modes: with an equipotential cathode (blue line) and a non-equipotential cathode (red lines)

It differs from the standard system in that the cathode consists of two segments electrically isolated from each other, having, for example, equal areas. The power supply of such a magnetron is carried out from two power sources PS1 and PS2. After the synchronous supply of the same potential to both segments of the cathode, a magnetron discharge is formed in crossed E×B fields. The discharge characteristics of such a magnetron do not differ from a magnetron with a non-segmented cathode and are determined by the value of magnetic induction, pressure and type of working gas, cathode material, etc. The current density for each segment is related to the potential of this segment in accordance with the specific current-voltage characteristic, which for both segments coincide j1(U)=j2(U). For the case of equal potentials on both segments, the current densities on these segments are also the same. The corresponding specific I–V characteristics are shown in Fig. 1 by blue curves - Segment1 (equipotential mode) and Segment2 (equipotential mode).

The phenomenon of a non-equipotential cathode lies in the experimentally established fact that, with a steady magnetron discharge, one of the cathode segments (segment 2 and power supply PS2 in Fig. 1) can be biased noticeably higher than the determined VAC: U2>U1. On the other segment, the potential remains the same; corresponding to the operating point of the VAC selected in the equipotential mode. In this case, the current densities in both segments will be practically the same j1~j2. In Fig. 1, this case is illustrated by red curves - Segment1 (non-equipotential mode) and Segment2 (non-equipotential mode). In such a magnetron, a segment with a “standard” VAC will be called a low-voltage LV, and a segment to which a freely adjustable increased bias is applied will be called a “high-voltage” HV.

Characteristic features of a magnetron with a non-equipotential cathode (NEC):

1. The current density to all segments of the NEC magnetron cathode is approximately the same. The specific value of the current density is determined by the position of the operating point on the specific VAC of the low-voltage segment, and the VAC of the low-voltage segment is close to the current-voltage characteristic of a standard magnetron.

2. The bias on the high-voltage segment of the NEC magnetron is freely adjustable and can be several times higher than the voltage “dictated” by the standard VAC.

Efficiency of a magnetron with a non-equipotential cathode

From the point of view of increasing the overall performance of the magnetron sputtering system, it is necessary that the area of the intensively sputtered high-voltage segment significantly exceeds the area of the low-voltage segment. As experimental studies have shown, for the stable operation of the NEC magnetron, a low-voltage segment with an area not exceeding 20% of the total cathode area is sufficient, which means that, taking into account the fact that the limiting potential difference between the segments is determined by the design of the intersegment gap and in our experiments reached 1, 5-2 kV, it is possible to obtain record performance parameters of the magnetron system, many times higher than those offered on the market today.

Diagram of a magnetron powered by a single source. Fartrouvn R&D. Portugal

FIG.2 Diagram of a magnetron powered by a single source.

VAC of a magnetron with an equipotential and non-equipotential cathode and power supply from one source. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

FIG.3 VAC of a magnetron with an equipotential and non-equipotential cathode and power supply from one source

The unique possibility of applying a “free” bias to the NEC magnetron segments makes it easy to control the sputtering intensity of this segment, i.e. control local productivity, which ultimately allows the formation of coatings with a given distribution of film thickness.

Of particular interest is the increase in the rate of deposition of films from hard-to-spray materials. For example, one of them - carbon, which is the basis of a whole class of diamond-like coatings (DLC), is characterized by extremely low sputtering ratios.


The development of composite technologies is a science-intensive task that requires the efforts and knowledge of highly qualified specialists. To solve these problems, we have brought together a team of engineers and scientists from different countries who are able to offer our customers new technologies, high-tech equipment and new technical solutions.



Fartrouven R&D: High-tech equipment, production lines for the production of single-layer and multi-layer polymer pipes and fittings: plastic, composite, hybrid, metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene pipes. Turnkey plastic pipe factories from Portugal - for the construction industry. Technological lines for the production of: Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes (RTP), high-pressure Thermoplastic composite pipes (TCP), ultra-strong Hybrid Flexible Pipe (HFP), ultra-strong composite pipes with distributed barrier properties (TCP-DGB), UD fiber-reinforced tapes - for the oil and gas industry and hydrogen energy Factory of composite metal-plastic pipes with high resistance to delamination and modular polymer fittings for welding metal-polymer pipes. Turnkey Composite RTP / TCP Pipe Plant for Oil & Gas and Hydrogen Industry. Turnkey business in Europe, Portugal, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, Africa, Russia, Kazakhstan What is the difference between RTP and TCP pipe? Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe / Thermoplastic Composite Pipe in the Oil and Gas Industriesorced. Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

High-tech equipment for the production of polymer, multilayer and composite pipes and fittings for the oil and gas industry and public utilities . More details ...

Turnkey business. Factory of flexible thermoplastic composite pipes TCP/RTP for the oil and gas industry. Plant of energy-efficient multilayer pipes for housing and communal services. More details ... What is the difference between RTP and TCP pipe? Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe / Thermoplastic Composite Pipe in the Oil and Gas Industriesorced.  More details ...



Rua Campo de Futebol, 308 Ruivaqueira 2425-480 Souto da Carpalhosa, Portugal


Portugal +351 244 130 855
CIS countries +7 985 087 40 86

e-mail: geral@fartrouven.pt