Extrusion equipment for the production of polymer, composite, multilayer, polypropylene, polyethylene pipes and fittings for water, heating, gas; reinforced thermoplastic pipes for the oil and gas industry. Turnkey plastic and composite pipe factory. Экструзионное оборудование для производства полимерных, композитных, металлопластиковых, полипропиленовых, полиэтиленовых труб для воды, отопления, газа; сверхпрочных композитных труб для нефтегазовой отрасли. Завод пластиковых и композитных труб под-ключ. Equipamento de extrusão para a produção de tubos de polímeros, compósitos, multicamadas, polipropileno, polietileno e acessórios para água, aquecimento, gás; tubos termoplásticos reforçados para a indústria de petróleo e gás. Fábrica de tubos plásticos e compostos chave na mão.  Extrusionsanlagen zur Herstellung von Polymer-, Verbund-, Mehrschicht-, Polypropylen-, Polyethylenrohren und Formstücken für Wasser, Heizung, Gas; verstärkte thermoplastische Rohre für die Öl- und Gasindustrie. Schlüsselfertige Fabrik für Kunststoff- und Verbundrohre. Équipement d'extrusion pour la production de tuyaux et raccords en polymère, composite, multicouche, polypropylène, polyéthylène pour l'eau, le chauffage, le gaz; tubes thermoplastiques renforcés pour l'industrie pétrolière et gazière. Usine de tuyaux en plastique et composite clé en main.  Fartrouven R&D. Portugal

Portuguese equipment for the production of polymer and multilayer metal-plastic pipes (HDPE, HDPE, PEAD, PP-R, PE-RT, PE-X, EVOH. Warranty and service in Europe, Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, Latin America, Russia

More than 10 years ago, the German extrusion equipment designer Manfred Fartruven came to Portugal and founded Fartrouven R & D. By combining German and Portuguese engineers and scientists of various specialties, he created a team capable of solving complex technical problems.

Having extensive experience in designing equipment for the production of polymer pipes, the Fartrouven R&D team has offered its customers optimal solutions for the production of polyethylene (HDPE, PEAD, HDPE) pipes, and polypropylene pipes (PP-R).

Understanding that the future lies with composite pipes, in 2007 the company developed its first line for the production of multilayer metal-polymer (metal-plastic) pipes.

Fartrouven R&D is currently creating more advanced equipment. Using new extrusion and plasma technologies, Fartrouven R&D manufactures equipment for the production of composite multilayer pipes, flexible pipes reinforced with ultra-strong fibers for the oil and gas industry, and develops and improves technologies and systems for automatic process control.

Work on various projects has shown that a team of close-minded engineers can create high-tech equipment for their customers and implement complex technical projects.

We believe that the supply of equipment is only part of the tasks that arise when creating a full-fledged production of polymer pipes. We help our customers with production design, engineering, technology development and staff training. We accompany projects starting with a business plan, and continue to help our clients until they enter the market. In our opinion, the supply of a turnkey plant is the best solution for business.

Welcome to Fartrouven R&D!


Fartrouven R&D:   Soluções para a produção de tubos compostos: equipamentos para a produção de tubos plásticos multicamadas para a construção civil, tubos compostos flexíveis RTP / TCP para a indústria de petróleo e gás; linhas para produção de fitas termoplásticas UD reforçadas com fibras para a indústria de compósitos. Solutions for the production of composite pipes: equipment for the production of plastic multilayer pipes for the construction industry, flexible composite RTP / TCP pipes for the oil and gas industry; lines for the production of thermoplastic UD tapes reinforced with fibers for the composites . industryРешения для производства композитных труб: оборудование для изготовления пластиковых многослойных труб для строительной индустрии, гибких композитных RTP/TCP труб для нефтегазовой отрасли; линии для производства термопластичных UD лент армированных волокнами для индустрии композитов. All rights to this image belong to Fartrоuven R&D.. Glória à Ucrânia!



Rua Campo de Futebol, 308 Ruivaqueira 2425-480 Souto da Carpalhosa, Portugal


Portugal +351 244 130 855
CIS countries +7 985 087 40 86

e-mail: geral@fartrouven.pt